The Trustees wish to support sporting activities or projects which provide opportunities for people who are disabled or otherwise disadvantaged to fulfil their potential and to develop other personal and life skills.
They welcome applications for the following types of project:
Projects which provide a focus for skills development and confidence building through the medium of sport
Projects that have a strong training and/or educational theme within a sporting activity
Projects that provide sporting equipment or facilities for disabled or disadvantaged people
Projects with a high degree of community involvement
Projects that help to engage children or young people at risk of crime, truancy or addiction
Geographical areas funded: UK
Fund type
Type of funding: Grant
Type of cost: Capital, Revenue
Fund award sizes
Annually awarded:£874,090
Notes on award amounts:
Small grants: up to £5,000
Major grants: between £5,000 and £30,000
Who can apply
The trust only accepts applications from registered charities or CASCs (Community Amateur Sports Clubs).
When to apply
At any time. The Trustees customarily meet three times a year, in Spring, Summer and Autumn. The lead time between an online Initial Enquiry and the successful award of a grant is likely to be between three and six months.
How to apply
Complete the online application form on the Foundation's website.
Requests for retrospective funding; activities that are primarily the responsibility of central or local government; individuals; overseas projects; adventure challenges or expeditions in the uk or abroad; projects that are solely for the promotion of religion