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About Club Development Consultancy
We know finding the time and expertise to develop, grow and improve your sports club can be difficult. In fact, 54% of people are concerned that their community sports club would struggle to stay running over the long term without support from external organisations.
However, help is at hand. We offer guidance and support to enable the development of sustainable community sports clubs that win for everyone.
We bring unrivalled experience having helped sports groups raise more than £50 million in funding and can typically help a club raise an extra 25% in revenue.
If your club is interested in community asset transfers, charitable status, incorporation, gift aid, raising capital or developing facilities, we can help with our network of highly experienced, qualified and licensed practitioners. Furthermore, as a social enterprise, our fees are reasonable and are set at an affordable rate for community and charitable sports clubs.
However, don’t just take our word for it, check out our clients and testimonials to see who we’re supporting and what they’re saying about our work.

Our Services
In addition to the free guidance and resources we provide for clubs, we also offer a range of services to both clubs and Sport Governing Bodies.
Supporting Incorporations
We support clubs with a range of areas relating to incorporation and legal structures - including constitutions, applications, asset transfers and more.
CASC, Tax and Gift Aid
We can help clubs register with HMRC for the purposes of registering as a Community Amateur Sports Club, claiming gift aid and paying taxes.
Workshops & Webinars
We run a range of workshops for Sport Governing Body members on topics including incorporation, legal structures, funding, community asset transfers & more.
Resource Management
We provide Sport Governing Bodies with resources for their members and can manage their club development resource hubs. This includes PDFs, video recordings, podcasts and more.