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We’ve recently partnered with easyfundraising so your team can earn free funding whenever your teammates and local community shop online. They partner with over 8,000 online brands, so everything from everyday online purchases and mundane bills can help fund running costs, pitch fees, new equipment, and more.
We’ve recently partnered with easyfundraising so your team can earn free funding whenever your teammates and local community shop online. They partner with over 8,000 online brands, so everything from everyday online purchases and mundane bills can help fund running costs, pitch fees, new equipment, and more.


We’ve recently partnered with easyfundraising so your team can earn free funding whenever your teammates and local community shop online. They partner with over 8,000 online brands, so everything from everyday online purchases and mundane bills can help fund running costs, pitch fees, new equipment, and more.


On average, just one person using easyfundraising when they shop online can raise £306.05 in a year. And that’s just from the big buys and one-offs people tend to buy yearly, like home, car, pet insurance, and booking a holiday. But everyday items count too, for example, a last-minute birthday present from Etsy and the panic buy from Amazon.


Their wide selection of brands means that no matter what anyone associated with your team buys online, there's cashback available. And the best bit? It’s completely free for you and the online shopper!


​If you can encourage the rest of your team and the local community to get involved – the online shopping as a collective soon amounts up.
Let’s turn those big buys and little purchases everyone makes into free funding for your team.
What are you waiting for? Sign up today

We’ve recently partnered with easyfundraising so your team can earn free funding whenever your teammates and local community shop online. They partner with over 8,000 online brands, so everything from everyday online purchases and mundane bills can help fund running costs, pitch fees, new equipment, and more.

Calum, Forsham Football Club

"We just started using easyfundraising for our football club. It could not be easier, as a shopper and an admin for a cause, especially with the reminder widget installed. It's highly motivating to see how you're contributing to your cause. The team behind it is very supportive."
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